After a Hair Transplant: Hair Care

After a Hair Transplant: Hair Care
Post-op Aftercare following Hair Transplant
If you have a hair transplant surgery in your upcoming schedule, you should know that the procedure itself is only half the battle. Proper aftercare is crucial to ensure the success of the transplant and help your hair grow as healthy as possible. In this article, we will walk you through the aftercare procedure for each stage of the healing process, from the first 0-3 days to the 1st month to 1 year after your transplant.
Days 0-3
The first few days after your hair transplant are crucial for your recovery and the success of the procedure. Your doctor will give you detailed instructions for aftercare, including oral medicines and products that will be given to you from the clinic. Following these instructions carefully is essential to ensure optimal healing and hair growth.
During the first 0-3 days after your hair transplant, you are required to avoid touching the transplanted area as much as possible. Your scalp will be covered with a dressing or bandage to protect it, and your doctor will instruct you on how to care for it. The clinic will also provide you with a medicated shampoo to clean the donor area and recipient site, which you should use as directed after 3 days.
To keep the scalp from drying, you will be provided a bottle of saline. The medical staff will teach you how to spray it on your scalp before you leave the clinic.
How to spray saline on your head after a hair transplant?
- Spray the right sides of your head using your right hand
- Spray the left sides using your left-hand
- Ask your family members to help
- Don't use your hand directly on the transplanted site
You should keep the donor and recipient regions moist by spraying this saline over the dressing every 2 hours for 3 days. Yes, even during the night.
Keeping the scalp moist using saline sprays helps to
- keep the grafts alive and grow roots in the transplanted region
- keep the scalp clean and reduce swelling
- prevent irritation due to dryness.
If you feel dryness or irritation on your scalp, you can spray this saline at any time, you do not have to wait for 2 hours.
Strictly avoid any strenuous activity that can make you sweat, avoid smoking and alcohol, and refrain from taking any blood-thinning medications during this time.
Refraining from any kind of sexual activity is advised. Also, avoid scratching or rubbing the transplanted area despite the intolerable urge you might feel.
Applying cold compresses to the forehead can also help to reduce swelling of the region around the eyes. Eating a fresh and healthy diet is necessary.
You are also asked to sleep with your head elevated and use a pillow to support your neck and to prevent contact with the transplanted area with the sheets.
Again, the first three days after your hair transplant require careful attention and dedication to proper aftercare. Be patient and take good care of your scalp during this critical period.
Days 4-14
Congratulations! You’ve made it past the crucial first 3 days of your hair transplant recovery. Now, as you move into the 3-14 day period, it is still required to take good care of your scalp and avoid anything that might obstruct the healing process.
Within the first 3 days, the transplanted grafts will have started getting attached to the recipient's scalp. So, now it's time to help the follicles develop new roots of the hair by following these instructions.
Around day three, you'll typically be called back to the clinic for your first post-transplant wash. During this visit, a professional will wash your hair and evaluate the progress of the healing process. They will also teach you how to wash your scalp at home moving forward, which is essential for ensuring the longevity of your new hair grafts.
You should wash your scalp once a day. If you do it twice a day, that’s okay too.
How to wash your scalp?
- Wet your scalp with lukewarm water, avoiding hot water.
- Pour a small amount of the shampoo onto your hand and lather it gently between your palms.
- Using only the tips of your fingers, gently tap the shampoo lather onto your scalp and around the transplant area. Avoid using your nails or scrubbing too hard. Leave the shampoo on for two minutes.
- Rinse your scalp thoroughly with lukewarm water, making sure all the shampoo is removed.
- You can repeat the process once more, if advised by your doctor or if you feel it's necessary.
- Gently pat your scalp dry with a clean towel, taking care not to rub or pull at the transplanted area.
- Avoid using a hairdryer, as the heat can damage the scalp and delay healing.
After your first wash, you should continue to avoid any strenuous activity or exposure to direct sunlight for the next 10 days. If you have to go out, wear the hat/headcover provided by the clinic to prevent sun exposure.
Also, avoid scratching or rubbing the transplanted area and avoid using a hairdryer on the scalp. It’s essential to resist the urge to pick at the scabs or scratch the transplanted area, as this can cause damage to the grafts and delay the healing process.
Your doctor will prescribe an antibiotic ointment to apply to the donor area to help prevent infection and heal smoothly. It's also common to use a cream to moisturize and soothe the donor area as it heals. You can ask your doctor which cream to use and how often to apply it.
You may experience some itching, scabbing, and minor pain during this stage of the healing process, but these symptoms are normal and typically resolve within a few days.
To ensure proper healing, get plenty of rest, eat a healthy diet, avoid smoking and alcohol, and don't be involved in any sexual activities during this period. If you experience any unusual symptoms or have concerns about your recovery, be sure to contact your doctor immediately.
By following the aftercare instructions carefully and taking good care of your scalp during this 3-14 day period, you can set the stage for a successful and satisfying hair transplant outcome.
Days 14-30
Welcome to the 14th-30th day period after your hair transplant!
By this time, the roots of your new hair grafts will be developing, and you may notice some shedding of the transplanted hair. This is a normal part of the healing process, and you can expect the new hair to start growing back in a few weeks.
You can now start to return to your normal routine, like taking a mild low-pressure shower and doing light exercises. However, you should still avoid any activities that may result in excessive sweating or direct exposure to the sun, such as a sauna or swimming in chlorinated water. It's also advisable to avoid wearing tight-fitting hats, helmets, or any headwear that may rub against the scalp.
During this period, the scabs from the transplant area will begin to wash off with the baths, and your scalp will start to look more normal. Don’t yet pick at the scabs, as this can still damage the grafts and affect your transplant results.
As the healing process continues, you may still experience some itching or discomfort in the donor and transplant areas. If this happens, it's important to resist the urge to scratch or pick at the scalp. Applying a moisturizing cream or lotion as advised by your doctor can help alleviate these symptoms.
Your doctor will likely schedule your follow-up appointment at the end of your first month. He will then evaluate the progress of the healing process and determine if any additional treatment or care is needed.
Remember to continue following your doctor's instructions for aftercare, including using any prescribed medications, taking good care of the donor area, and avoiding any activities or behaviors that may interfere with the healing process.
By following these guidelines and being patient, you can ensure that your hair transplant is a success and that you'll enjoy healthy, beautiful hair for years to come.
After 1st month
You have now made it past the first month after your hair transplant surgery!
At this point, your new hair grafts have successfully taken root and the healing process is well underway. You may start to notice some small hairs sprouting from the transplanted areas, and the initial results of your transplant will start becoming visible.
New hair grows
In the coming months, your new hair will continue to grow, with the most noticeable growth starting around 2-4 months post-transplant. If you see that the initial growth is uneven and patchy, know that it is absolutely normal because the follicles are active and progressing growth at different times.
Your recovery and results may fall behind your friend who also transplanted at the same time, but don't have doubts and remember that hair growth can vary from person to person.
Between 6-10 months your complete hair growth can be expected. You might require a trim on the sides and the back to balance the look. Since everybody functions in their own time, it may take up to 12 months for the final results to be fully visible.
Only basic care required
You can now continue to take care of your scalp by following a gentle hair care routine and using any prescribed medications or products as directed by your doctor. You can fully continue your normal activities as long as you're careful not to apply too much pressure or tension to the scalp.
By this point, the donor area should be fully healed, and any redness or scarring should have diminished significantly. If you’re experiencing any discomfort or itching, you can use a moisturizing cream or lotion as advised by your doctor.
Follow-up appointments
Your follow-up appointments with your doctor will be scheduled based on your individual progress, but typically, they will occur around the 3-month, 6-month, and 12-month marks to evaluate your progress and assess the final outcome of your transplant. Consider these appointments important and make time to attend them!
PRP treatment will also be scheduled by your doctor after a few months to help stimulate hair growth.
Overall, the mild aftercare required after the first month of your hair transplant is focused on allowing your new hair to grow and flourish while taking care of the donor area.
By following the aftercare instructions provided by your doctor and taking care of your scalp and hair, you can help promote healthy hair growth and optimize your results. Remember that patience is the key, as it takes several months for the final outcome to be fully visible. With dedication to the aftercare process and regular follow-up appointments with your doctor, you will feel all your money well spent when you see the results and you can enjoy a full head of healthy, natural-looking hair for years to come.